John Hunt,
Coolisker, Cloonfad, Ballyhaunis, Co. Roscommon and late of Lecarrow, Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo.
2nd Anniversary Mass in St Patrick’s Church Cloonfad on Sunday, 14th April at 10.30.
John the last two years are so lonely sad and heartbreaking without you.
We miss you so much and life will never be the same again without you in our lives.
We will miss you and love you for ever and ever.
A smile for all, a heart of gold, one of the best this world could hold, never selfish always kind a beautiful memory left behind.
We hold you close within our hearts and there you shall remain, to walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again, so rest in peace dear loved one and thanks for all you’ve done, we pray that god has given you the crown you’ve truly won.
From your loving family.