Mary Ruane,
76 McHale Road, Castlebar.
1st Anniversary.
In loving memory of our beloved Mam who passed away on January 27, 2023.
Those we love don’t go away
they walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard but always near.
Mam you were always there when we needed you,
No task too big or small.
With a loving heart and willing hands,
for us you did it all.
We hold you close within our hearts
and there you shall remain.
To walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
So rest in peace Mam and thanks for all you’ve done.
We pray that God has given you the crown you’ve truly won.
Dearly loved and sadly missed by your daughter Ann, sons John, Pat, Robert, Declan and Kevin, son-in-law, daughters-in -law, brothers, grandchildren and great grandchild, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law.
Anniversary Mass in Church of the Holy Rosary, Castlebar on Monday, January 29th at 7pm.
You can view the Anniversary Mass on www.churchtv.ie/castlebar or you listen to it in Castlebar on the Castlebar Parish Radio 105.3FM