Tony Greene,
Pennsylvania, USA and formerly of Knox Street, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo
(1st Anniversary)
Died 9th March 2023
Tonys wife Pauline & his sister Marcella & the extended family wish to thank all those who sympathised with them on the sudden passing of Tony, thanks to everyone who sent Mass cards & messages of sympathy to the Greene & Keane family. The holy sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions
1st Anniversary Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Ballyhaunis on Sunday, 10th March at 10 o’clock
In Loving memory of my wonderful husband Tony Greene
When God was making Husband’s, as far as I can see.
He made a special one just for me.
God made a perfect gentleman, compassionate and kind.
With more love and affection than you could ever wish to find.
He gave my darling Tony a heart of solid Gold.
He gave me wonderful memories that only my heart can hold.
Tony was someone that I could talk to,
that no one can replace.
He was someone I could laugh with,
till tears ran down my face.
Next time we will be together, will be at heaven’s door
When I see Tony standing there I won’t cry anymore.
I will put my arms around him, and kiss his lovely face.
Then the pieces of my broken heart will fall back into place.
Missing you so very much my Tony.
from Your Broken hearted Wife